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Selected Scriptures

With the Master
On Our Knees
(Volume 2)

A Prayer of Pure Praise

Passage: Psalm 145

Since prayer is talking to God, we are going to carefully consider just who this awesome God is by looking at 16 of His wonderful attributes. What we think about God greatly determines how we pray!


The Righteous Attitudes and Actions to Unanswered Prayer

Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

There are many times in our life as a believer that God seems silent when it comes to answering our prayers. We often wrestle to understand why, even though we know that God is sovereign and knows best. We can learn many lessons when we consider Paul’s prayer that went unanswered. God said no, but granted him something more valuable. 


What to do When You Dont Know What to do - Prayer of Jehoshaphat

Passage: 2 Chronicles 20

Often we are faced with a similar dilemma like King Jehoshaphat, that is, we don’t know what to do when facing what seems like the impossible. We are going to not only look at this great king’s prayer, but also consider 11 principles on what to do when you don’t know what to do!


Lessons from the Prayers of Jonah, Part 1 - The Prayer of a Disobedient Man

Passage: Jonah 1 & 2

The story of Jonah has long been one of great interest. We are going to consider both of his prayers: in this lesson the prayer of a disobedient man and then next time as we consider chapters three and four we will consider the prayer of an angry man. There certainly are many valuable lessons as we consider Jonah’s prayers in his rebellion and in his anger.  Join us as we consider: The purpose of Jonah’s prayer; The pain mentioned in Jonah’s prayer; The pondering of Jonah’s prayer; The praise of Jonah’s prayer; The provision for Jonah.


Lessons from the Prayers of Jonah, Part 2 - The Prayer of an Angry Man

Passage: Jonah 3 & 4

In this lesson, we will consider the second prayer of Jonah, this one when he is angry with the Lord. As we look at the last chapter of Jonah, and his prayers, we will consider and contrast our good and gracious God with the grievous grumpy Jonah.


Pauls Prayer for the church at Philippi - Four Amazingly Rich Prayer Requests

Passage: Philippians 1:9-11
We all would do well to go to school with the apostle Paul and learn how to pray. Paul prayed often for the churches that he loved so dearly, the church at Philippi being one of them. Often our requests are fixed on the earthly, but Paul teaches us how to pray concerning eternal things. This lesson will give four wonderful prayer requests that can change the way we pray!


The Real Prayer of Jabez

Passage: I Chronicles 4:1-10

Several years ago there was quite a bit of stirring about the prayer of Jabez which is found in this passage. Is the prayer of Jabez a magical formula whereby we can get what we want from God? Let’s study the real prayer of Jabez together and as we do we will consider: The Heritage of Jabez; The Honor of Jabez; The Heart of Jabez; The help for Jabez.


Passage: Luke 17:11-19
One of the greatest downfalls in praying is a lack of gratitude when the Lord answers our prayers. Are we like the one leper who gave thanks or the 9 who gave no thanks?


Thirsting for God in the Wilderness

Passage: Psalm 63

This wonderful Psalm of David describes his hunger and thirst for God. Do you have the same passion David did for God? David in his prayer gives 9 helps for keeping that passion alive!


The Heart of Hannah as Revealed Through Her Prayers, Part 1

Passage: Luke 11:1-4
Often we struggle with what we are to pray for. The disciples did as well. The Lord graciously gives a model prayer for them and us to follow.


The Heart of Hannah as Revealed Through Her Prayers, Part 2

Passage: Selected Scriptures
One of the greatest blessings in praying is fasting. However, it has become a forgotten discipline. What does the bible say about fasting and prayer? This is part 1 of a 2 part message.


A Vow to Live a Holy Life

Passage: Selected Scriptures
We continue with our instruction on what the Word of God says about fasting and praying. These two lessons should encourage each of us to set aside significant time for this spiritual discipline.


The High Priestly Prayer, Part 1

Passage: Psalm 55
Betrayal by a friend is a hard trial to go through. David teaches us much as he prays after a difficult betrayal. He mentions his suffering along with his solution to his difficulty.


The High Priestly Prayer, Part 2

Passage: Psalm 63
Sometimes we are unable to get to worship for various reasons. King David was in that place when he wrote Psalm 63 as he was in the wilderness. But he gives 9 principles for what to do when you are thirsting for God.


The High Priestly Prayer, Part 3

Passage: Luke 22:39-46
Our Lord’s prayer before the cross is one of great sorrow but one which gives us a glimpse of His humanity. What did He pray and what can we learn from this prayer of the Man of Sorrows?


A Prayer for Mercy

Passage: Psalm 109
Do we as believers pray imprecatory prayers for our enemies? What does the Bible say and what do we learn from this imprecatory prayer of King David?


Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


The Prayer of the First Martyr

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


The Prayer for the Church at Colossae, Part 1

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


The Prayer for the Church at Colossae, Part 2

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


Solomon's Prayer of Dedication

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


A Prayer of Agony

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


The Prayer Before the Cross

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.


Numerous Principles from the Prayers of Nehemiah

Passage: Psalm 145
Often we come to God with our grocery list of personal requests and find ourselves lacking in praising Him for who He is. This prayer of praise will give you 16 reasons to praise our God.

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